my swagger is top notch

A is for age; almost fourteen
B is for birthday; sixth of december
C is for career; don't know
D is for your dad's name; munib
E is for essential items to bring to a party; a couple of friends and a camera!
F is for favourite song at the moment; lazee- top notch
G is for favourite game; the sims, guitar hero and super mario.
H is for home town; hofors
I is for instruments you play; guitar(hero)
J is for jam or jelly you like; raspberryjam.
K is for kids; not yet
L is for living arrangements; daddy
M is for mother's name; carola
N is for name of your crush; i hate love
O is for overnight hospital stays; never.
P is for phobias; very small areas, heights, dark and feet.
Q is for quotes you like; hmm..
R is for relationship that lasted the longest; 3 weeks i think
S is for sartorial style; none
T is for time you wake up; that depends
U is for underwear; cotton
V is for vegetables you love; carrot, yellow paprika.
W is for weekend plans; none
X is for x-rays you've had; none.
Y is for yummy food you make; everything
Z is for zodiac sign; sagittarius



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